Thursday, 24 October 2019

Playing games on my chromebook

Playing games on my chrome
Every rainy day I play on my chromebook. I play Car
games and i play this other game. It's a very very cool
game like no one has played it , but actually people in
my class plays it. I am kinda of the best. The greatest
person is in my class a boy. He has a mouse like me but
way better than me and more of my friends pay to he is my
friend too. Some rainy days I bring my mouse and kill
everyone i the in the server. There is team deathmatch
and there is solo.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Monday, 14 October 2019

when i was embarrassed of myself

when i was embarrassed of myself
During the holidays I went to the shops with Stanley. We went inside the shops and we grabbed 2 bread. After we handed the 2 breads then he put the credit card in the thing then i thought he didn't know the number of the credit card i said it out loud.

Stanley told me shoosh i thought the man heard it and i think he did. We went outside the shops. We were walking home at that time and he said sorry, i was going to cry because I said it out loud.
I felt embarrassed when we were walking back. We were there at the house I had a hunch. a really big one.